Amarna Period Glazed Faience Bes Amulet

£ 600.00

An Ancient Egyptian blue glazed faience amulet of the dwarf god Bes. The deity is portrayed in his typical position, squatting with widened legs, hands on his knees and protruding belly and wearing an ostrich feather headdress. The amulet is modelled front and back, with a horizontal hole for suspension.

Date: Circa 1353-1336 BC
Period: New Kingdom, Amarna Period
Condition: Fine, some earthly encrustations on the front and back, overall very fine condition.


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Bes is a popular Egyptian deity, always depicted as grotesque and deformed bearded dwarf, with the huge face of a mask with hybrid monkey-lion features and widened legs between which hangs a long animal’s tail. Bes is the only deity in the ancient Egyptian pantheon to be represented exclusively in front perspective. In Ancient Egyptian culture and religion, Bes acted as guardian of women, the household, children, and he was particularly linked to the critical phase of labour and birth. He was also a protector of sleep, ensuring sweet dreams; in fact he was often depicted on the beds to prevent the evil spirits from appearing in dreams.

To discover more about this interesting Ancient Egyptian deity, please visit our relevant post: Bes: Guardian of Women, Children and Sleep.

Dimensions W 2.3 x H 5.3 cm

Blue Faience

Egyptian Mythology



North Africa