Ancient Egyptian Lapis Lazuli Palmette Lotus Amulet

£ 250.00

A fine Ancient Egyptian lapis lazuli amulet depicting a blooming palmette with an emerging lotus flower. The amulet is carved symmetrically and naturalistically, with swooping lines that curve outwards portraying the opening flower, and a central triangular shape emerging between. Triangular motifs are a common technique in Ancient Egyptian art for portraying lotus petals. Additional, teardrop lobes feature on either side of the stem. The amulet features a rounded terminal at the top which has been perforated for suspension. The lapis lazuli displays beautiful natural striations.

Date: Circa 1550-1096 BC
Period: New Kingdom Period
Condition: Excellent. Suitable for modern wear. Minor earthy encrustations in the grooves of the amulet.


SKU: ES-201 Category: Tag:

The blooming cycle of the lotus flower, opening in sunlight and closing at night-time, was a central source for Egyptian ideas of rebirth, creation and the duality of nature. The flower was very precious to Egyptians; they were given as offering to the gods in religious ceremonies and were incorporated in many scenes of mythology and legends. The Book of the Dead presents the large flower in between the gods Ra-Atum and Ammit. The lotus was often depicted in the god of healing Nefertem’s crown and in imagery of Osiris, the god of the underworld, strengthening the association with rebirth.

Lapis lazuli was considered a semi-precious stone and not found locally to the Egyptians. Its status and value derived in part from the fact that it had to be imported, most likely from the Near East. Amulets in varying shapes and materials were extremely popular in Ancient Egypt, as they were believed to provide beneficial effects depending on their material or imagery. Many amulets have been found inside the wrappings of mummies, as they were used to prepare the deceased for the afterlife. The precise significance of the palmette is unknown, though plant imagery and amulets were typically symbolic of new life.

To discover more about amulets in the Ancient Egyptian world, please visit our relevant post: Amulets in Ancient Egypt.

Weight 1.31 g
Dimensions L 1.1 x W 0.4 x H 1.7 cm
Semi-Precious Stone

Lapis Lazuli


North Africa

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