Holy Land Terracotta Bowl

£ 225.00

A good-sized Ancient Holy Land terracotta bowl. The vessel features a flat foot, and sides expanding framing a round, smooth body. The well levigated surface has been left undecorated, with the exception of a simple motive of incised dots running around the lightly flaring rim.

Date: Circa 3rd-1st Millennium BC.
Provenance: Important collection by descent, pre 1998.
Condition: Very fine, a few minor chips, some accretions on the surface, blackening on one side.


SKU: HLS-13 Category: Tag:

The Holy Land was the first region to enter the Bronze Age, which began with the rise of the Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer in the mid-4th millennium BC. The Bronze Age period covered an entire millennium. One of the major discoveries about the period is the link between the Early Bronze Age and the First Dynasty of Egypt, which is based on the presence of Canaanite vessels among the funerary offerings in the royal tombs of the First Dynasty. These vessels have become one of the cornerstones in the chronology of the Near East in the Early Bronze Age period. Numerous other types of vessels are known from this area.

To discover more about pottery from this region, please visit our relevant post: Holy Land Pottery.

Dimensions W 18.5 x H 14 cm

Near East (Western Asiatic)



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