Large Sized Luristan Double Headed Pendant

£ 695.00

A spectacular double-ended Luristan animal pendant of a good size. Made of moulded bronze, this pendant features two horse-like creatures, conjoined from the body. The horses have exaggerated features, with large eyes and prominent snouts, leading into a fine body and slender legs. Linear patterns on the characteristically elongated neck are suggestive of bridles, and the chest area features incised decoration. The pendant features a thick loop for suspension, and blue-green patination from long-term burial in the earth.

Date: Circa 1st millennium BC.
Provenance: Ex SM, Mayfair London collection 1970-99, thence by descent.
Condition: Very fine. Some green patination and earthly encrustations.
SKU: NES-72 Category: Tags: ,

Luristan, meaning “Land of the Lurs”, was an area of western Iran and the Zagros mountains. The Luristan bronzes, remarkable for their beauty and their historical importance, illustrate the connections between the early art and metallic production of various peoples in Western Asia. The culture’s elaborate metalworking was used to create zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures, used for religious reasons or decorative items. Bronze was also used to create a variety of weapons, all found buried as gifts to the deceased.

To learn more about the metalwork of ancient Luristan, visit our relevant blog post: Ancient Luristan and the Luristan Bronzes.

Dimensions W 8 x H 7.3 cm

Near East (Western Asiatic)



Reference: For a similar item, Metropolitan Museum, item 56.42.1.

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