Luristan Bronze Age Spearhead with Elongated Shaft

£ 200.00

A Luristan cast bronze spear-point featuring a leaf-shaped double-edged blade with wide rounded shoulders and signs of whetting, a flat midrib and straight elegant shank of approximately the same length as the blade, flaring into a square-section tail, which ends with left-angled bend of a thinner tang. This ‘rat-tail’ construction inserted into a wooden shaft reduced further splitting upon use. Spearheads of this type are more commonly found in the territories of ancient Western Persia (modern Iran) and were used through the late Bronze Age into the Early Iron Age.


Date: Circa 1200-800 BC
Condition: Very fine. Appealing green and olive patination. Nicely preserved. Tip and tang intact.


SKU: NES-16 Category: Tags: , ,

Ancient Persian craftsmen developed great skills in bronze working, crafting some of the finest tools and weaponry at the time available. These include a great number of ornaments, tools, weapons, and horse-fittings, as well as a smaller number of vessels. They have been uncovered in recorded excavations, and generally come from burial sites. The ethnicity of the people who created them remains unclear, though they may well have been Persian, and possibly related to the modern Lur people (who have given their name to the area).

To learn more about the metalwork of ancient Luristan, visit our relevant blog post: Ancient Luristan and the Luristan Bronzes.


Dimensions L 14 cm



Near East (Western Asiatic)

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