Luristan Bronze Bangle with Decorated Terminals

£ 300.00

A beautiful Luristan cast bronze bangle composed of a circular, plain hoop, featuring finely decorated terminals, modelled as beast heads.


Date: Circa 1200-800 BC
Condition: Extremely fine, with signs of aging and green patina to the surface. Suitable for modern wear with care.


SKU: NES-29 Category: Tags: ,

Luristan bronze comes from the province of Lorestan, a region situated in the area of modern South-Western Iran. In ancient times a number of nomadic populations, such as the Medes, the Kassites and eventually the Persians, settled in the area. Due to the nomadic nature of the tribes, none of the Luristan bronzes were of great size, since it was required for them to be light and portable. Their artwork mainly comprises ornaments, vessels and weapons.

To learn more about the metalwork of ancient Luristan, visit our relevant blog post: Ancient Luristan and the Luristan Bronzes.

Dimensions W 7 cm



Near East (Western Asiatic)

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