Luristan Ceremonial Bronze Mace Head

£ 500.00

A finely decorated Luristan ceremonial cast bronze macehead, featuring a tubular shape, with the upper half decorated with three panels of symmetrical leaf-like patterns. Each panel is separated by two vertical grooves. The bottom half of the shaft is smooth, with a final detail of two engraved bands around the base. The very end of the macehead features a flared rim, which flattens at the bottom.

Date: Circa 1200-800 BC
Condition: Very fine, with some marks of ageing and beautiful green patina on the surface.


SKU: NES-90 Category: Tags: , ,

These types of objects are normally called mace heads. They may have been mounted on a shaft as a symbol of rank, perhaps derivative from a true weapon of similar form. Luristan bronze comes from the province of Lorestan, a region of modern day western Iran. In the ancient world it was settled by a number of peoples, such as the Medes, the Kassites, and eventually the Persians. Many small bronze objects have been found in the area – these items range from ornaments, to weapons, and even vessels. Luristan bronze goods have been found primarily in a funerary context. The Luristan Bronzes represent the art of a nomadic people, for whom all possessions needed to be light and portable.

To learn more about the metalwork of ancient Luristan, visit our relevant blog post: Ancient Luristan and the Luristan Bronzes.

Dimensions L 20.4 x W 3.1 cm



Near East (Western Asiatic)

Reference: For a similar item, please see The Metropolitan Museum, item 56.102.1

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