Near Eastern Ceremonial Macehead

£ 400.00

An unusual Near Eastern macehead made from a dappled green hardstone. The macehead is roughly spherical but with two slightly flatter sides. A hollow shaft channel runs through its centre with circular openings at either end. The stone has been polished and retains a lovely shine. The green colour contains within it a variety of different tones creating an interesting dappled effect. There are some small areas of the surface which showcase a rougher  texture due to the age of the piece. There is some earthly residue contained within these areas alongside coating the interior of the shaft channel.


Date: Circa 3rd - 1st Millenium BC
Condition: Excellent Condition.


SKU: NES-178 Categories: , Tag:

A macehead may have been mounted on a shaft as a symbol of rank, perhaps a derivative from a weapon of similar form. Throughout the ancient world, maceheads varied significantly, and we know of a great number with different styles and decorations. Maceheads may not only have served a purpose in warfare, but also in religious contexts. Indeed, maceheads played an important role as votive offerings in shrines and temples across ancient Mesopotamia.

To discover more about the Mesopotamian peoples and cultures, please visit our relevant post: Civilisations of the Ancient Near East.

Weight 346.1 g
Dimensions L 6.4 x W 5.2 cm

Near East (Western Asiatic)



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