Ancient Roman Silver Signet Ring

£ 650.00

A very fine Ancient Roman silver ring, featuring a signet carnelian intaglio. Featuring a D section hoop, the ring has expanding shoulders and an oval recess bezel, which accommodates an octagonal carnelian intaglio stone bearing the engraving of the Greek letters ‘EP / MOY’ (of Ermos”), in two lines.  Closest UK ring size K.

Date: Circa 2nd Century AD.
Provenance: From the late Alison Barker collection, a retired London barrister; from her collection formed 1960s-1990s.
Condition: Fine condition, slight oxidation on the silver, some marks on the metal due to ageing. The hoop is split opposite the bezel. Suitable for modern wear with care.
SKU: RES-176 Category: Tag:

Hérmos was an Ancient Greek deity who inhabited the homonymous river (the present Gediz) located in the ancient Greek region of Lidia (modern-day Turkey”). He was the son of the titan Oceanus and his sister-wife Tethys. Ermos was a later version of Hérmos as a common Greek name.

The term intaglio refers to a small image that has been engraved into a gemstone and usually set in a piece of jewellery, most commonly a ring. Such artistic form has its origin in Sumer in the 4th millennium BC, with the appearance of cylinder and stamp seals, whereby decorations and patterns were engraved into soft stones. During the Hellenistic period and the early Roman Empire, the art of intaglio reached its apogee, with there being a steady decline in craftsmanship in the late Imperial Rome, until a revival of interest with the Byzantine and during the Renaissance.

To discover more about Intaglios, please visit our relevant blog post: Intaglios: Miniature Masterpieces.

Dimensions W 2.2 x H 1.5 cm

Southern Europe



Semi-Precious Stone


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