Hercules was bought into the Roman pantheon with the inclusion of Etruscan dominance and was worshipped from the offset as a deity. The hero’s first temple in Rome emerged within the 6th century BC and his popularity continued throughout the Roman Empire. There were various depictions of Hercules, produced on coins within both the Republic and the Imperial Empire. He was shown as a weary, older figure, holding his recognisable club and his lion-skin cloak around his shoulders. The twelve labours were also a common feature on the reverse of coins, some stories more popular than others; the slaughter of the Nemean lion or the beheading of the Lernean Hydra for example. Hercules was a figure that resonated across cultures, recognisable to many and was a figure esteemed by many for his prowess and lineage. He was an emblem for heroism and a figurehead for an ancestry steeped in tradition and reverence. Emperor’s used his profile to further cement their own lineage by association.
For more information on iconography on Roman coins, please see our blog: Imagery on Ancient Roman Coins