Roman Bronze Enamelled Peacock Fibula

£ 650.00

A Roman bronze enamelled fibula in the form of a peacock, shown in profile. The bird features a rounded body, which tapers to an elegantly curved and elongated neck. The bird’s head displays a plume of feathers on top, a small, pointed beak, and two incised concentric circles, representing its eye. Its impressive tail feathers extend outwards from its body and have been enriched with green and red enamel. The bird’s feet curve downwards, as if grasping a perch. The reverse of the brooch is plain and unworked except for the original hinged pin holder and a catch plate. The pin is now missing.

Date: Circa 1st - 3rd Century AD
Condition: Very fine condition with surface patination and encrustation. The pin is now missing.

Small fibulae, such this piece, were worn by both Roman soldiers and subjects across the empire. They served both a decorative and practical function, being used to fasten articles of clothing, such as cloaks or togae. They often took on the form of stylised animals, with birds being a common decorative theme across the Roman Empire and especially popular as a fibula design. Based on the elongated tail feathers and triangular crown, it is clear this fibula represents a peacock. Peacocks, native to Asia and Africa, were introduced to the Greek world by Alexander the Great. A symbol of Hera and Juno, these stunning birds became a lavish accessory for wealthy Romans, kept as pets to adorn their houses.

To discover more on Roman and Celtic brooches, please see our relevant blog post: Roman and Celtic Fibulae

Weight 6.3 g
Dimensions L 4 x W 3.5 cm

Southern Europe



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